Over spring break I decided to embark on a sewing adventure. Well, a sewing adventure for me anyway. I decided to follow a commercial sewing pattern I recently bought (M6503) to the tee, meaning no alterations, no omissions, nothing. Surprisingly what resulted was a wearable dress, and a darn cute one at that! I recently wore it to work and received many a complement and, after telling them I made it, many a question. They were baffled by the fact that a commercial pattern could fit so well. I just chalked it up to luck. The only problem I do have with the dress centers around the sleeves, which is nothing new to me. I have rather large upper arms and tend to have problems fitting into the sleeves of store bought clothing. When I use this pattern again I will definitely alter the sleeves a bit so the raising of my arms will not be restricted.
I was afraid the fabric I chose, or rather the fabric that I was forced to use because it was the only suitable choice in my fabric stash, would be too busy and not to my liking. I was totally wrong. The fabric has a retro feel and looks surprisingly good in dress form. It is bold and unique and I love it! I'm sure I will use this pattern and its different variations in the future.